Behind the enticing whisps of smoke and irresistible aroma of sizzling meats in the AHBEEF pit, meet theculinary artisan who elevates barbecue beyond the backyard – Randy Ruane, AHBEEF’s pitmaster boss.Randy can transform any cut of beef into a mouthwatering symphony of flavor, whether at an off-roadrace or barbecue competition. Join us as we step into Randy’s world, where every flavor-filled bite tells atale of dedication and excellence…From Our Farm to Your Fork!
Randy’s journey into the barbecue world was a legacy passed down through his maternal grandfather, abutcher. Under his grandfather’s guidance, Randy learned the fine art of butchery, including thedifferent cuts of meat and honing his cutting, slicing, and grinding skills. He also learned the technique oftenderizing and cooking different cuts of meat to achieve maximum flavor and freshness. Following hisgrandfather’s death and armed with years of training and experience, Randy entered his first barbecuecompetition in 2020 with a friend: the First Annual Brisket Cook-off in Brawley, California.
Drawing inspiration from Randy’s background as a roughneck in the oil fields, Diggin’ Deep BBQ clinchedvictory that day, leaving an impression on judges, including AHBEEF owner Justin Lofton. The twobecame quick friends, and after traveling the globe to work in oil fields across the U.S., Kenya, Honduras,and Guatemala, Randy found his way to work full-time for AHBEEF. Following his passion and continuinghis grandfather’s legacy, Randy works in sales and is AHBEEF’s pitmaster for all events and off-roadraces. Randy says, “I sell beef, work on race trucks, and cook. It’s not really work. It’s fun!”
At the track, the scent of hickory will lead your nose right to the AHBEEF tent, where you’ll find Randy inhis comfort zone, grilling and smoking. From burgers to tacos, steak, and brisket, Randy showcases theflavor and freshness of the AHBEEF products while keeping the team fueled for the weekend. While theteam works hard to gain speed on the track, Randy focuses on low and slow behind the grill. His secretsauce? “Keep the heat consistent and do not rush the cook. Cranking the heat causes the muscles totense up and become tough.” This dedication to excellence is evident in every flavorful bite!
So, what does a pitmaster choose as his favorite cut of beef? For Randy, he’s quick to name the tri-tip ashis top choice, influenced by his toughest critic – his four-year-old daughter. When he’s not traveling forwork, the two can often be found bonding over backyard grilling sessions centered around cooking theirfavorite cut.
Led by pitmaster Randy, the AHBEEF team is gearing up for the Fifth Annual Brisket Cook-off in Brawleyon January 20th, 2024, to defend their title as winner and people’s champion. Just like the race team
tests and preps before an event, so does the BBQ team. Winning three of the last four years, Randyhasn’t changed his recipe, saying, “If it’s winning, it’s working.” In preparation for the competition, he’llfire up the barbecue and smoke a couple of practice briskets to knock the dust off. Then, it’s time topack up the spices and utensils for the overnight event. With a little help from his friends, Randy willstay awake all night, closely monitoring the cooking temp to ensure the perfect cook. The goal is back-to-back wins!
If you’re in the Brawley area on January 20th, stop by and taste test Randy’s famous brisket from 9 AM –1 PM at Main St. and Plaza Park. The event supports the Cattle Call Rodeo Queen Association and TheChamber of Commerce for Greater Brawley.

Smokin’ Success: Unveiling the Grilling Mastery of AHBEEF Pitmaster Randy Ruane
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